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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Santa's Christmas gifts preparation

Every child believes that there is Santa Claus and it's one of the childhood memories that all of us joyfully recall especially during the yuletide season. This belief on Santa's generosity to all the kids who have been nice through out the year makes Christmas as one of the children's most awaited season. They believe that when they wake up in the midnight before Christmas, they would see their mounted Christmas socks filled with candies or the Christmas tree surrounded by gifts. Even myself during my childhood, I was once a believer that Santa really existed and this belief became stronger when I woke up one Christmas morning seeing a gift box for me and through the convincing acting ability of my parents saying that it really came from Santa, I really had wished that I should have waken up earlier than midnight to catch Santa delivering my gift. This was really a happy thought that I truly cherished even until I grew up and discovered that the gifts were from my parents and not really from Santa. This discovery did not disappoint me instead, made me realize that everyone can be a Santa Claus. 

After finding out that our gifts were not from Santa , still, one of my joyful memories every time that Christmas was approaching  was the wrapping of gifts since it's been a family tradition to exchange gifts among other members of the extended family, my parents allowed me and my siblings to give them a hand in all the gift preparation after they shopped. It was fun folding, cutting, and designing the gift wrappers and fastening the wrapper edges on the boxes of the gifts. Of course, we won't be wrapping our own gifts and my parents had set aside those already before we see them or else there's gonna be no excitement anymore.

Until I grow old and earn my own money, it's my time to be my family's own Santa who would give them gifts on Christmas. It was tiring and at the same time fun shopping for gifts just by myself and hopping from store to store of the mall just to find out what gift would be suited for each of the family member. And, it's even more challenging to carry all the shopping bags by my two hands then walk through the hallway of the mall turning my head left and right on the store's windows just to check if I could find other possible gifts. After the endless walk for gift shopping, it's time to wrap those items using colorful beautifully designed Christmas gift wrappers. This is one of the pre-Christmas activities I really enjoyed doing ever since I was a kid. I can imagine how Santa enjoys the Christmas gifts preparation as I enjoy it a lot as well.

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