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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

She who is behind what I have become

She who carried me in her womb and protected me and in my most delicate stage of life
She who brought me out in the world to and let me initially see a bright light with unclear image, hear unfamiliar sounds, and feel unknown textures
She who fed my mouth to fill in my tiny tummy every time she felt I was starving
She who gave me a comfy embrace to let me feel her body warmth every time I feel cold
She who used to wake up in the middle of the night every time I cry my heart out to decipher what I needed just to pacify me
She who made me chuckle and pinched my chubby cheeks every time I was cheerful and playful
She who stand behind me to support me when I was learning to walk
She who kept her eyes on me when I was starting to crawl
She who run after me when I started running around 
She who kept on lifting me up every time I fall
She who kept on saying that everything will be alright and kiss me every time I hit my head on the floor
She who gave descriptions and named the images that used to be unclear to me, introduced the sounds that used to be unfamiliar, and helped me understand the textures I touched
She who was my first mentor when I was learning to read and write
She who brought me to school in the morning and delayed her lunch at noon just to fetch me after half day class during my prep year
She who taught me how to pray, ask forgiveness, and praise HIM
She who used to be my first tutor on my home works
She who gave me a hug after being spanked by Papa and explained me why he did that
She who first taught me what is right from wrong
She who used to prepare my breakfast before school and made sure that there's food when I get home
She who encouraged me to join the school activities and the first person to believe in my skills
She who became first interested about my love interest
She who first cry when I am in deep pain
She who first uplift my spirit when I feel down
She who first rejoice when I am victorious

She whom I owe everything that I have acquired now
She whom I dedicate everything that I will accomplish

She is the reason why I have reached what I have now
She is the reason why I have become what I am now

I love you Mama, Happy Mother's Day

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