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Friday, November 26, 2010

A priceless day with little angels (Part 1)

It was one Sunday morning, November 21, 2010, and I woke up with my head felt like being hammered because of hang over. I checked my cellphone and there were a lot of text messages, and as I scroll on the unread messages in the inbox while my vision seemed to be swaying along with the throbbing of my head, I saw Chile's text message and read it asking "Nka-rubbr shoes b kau or slippers?", then I saw Emie's text and checked it saying "Sn kyo tamby yl w8ng? Mcdo? o ofc", they must have mastered the text lingo and they were so proficient in using it LOL, but after reading their text messages, I did not reply and put my cellphone on the bed again. I was with Cy and we went to his work mate's birthday celebration the night before and after eating grilled chicken and pork adobo along with rice filled on a disposable plate, I took the shots of cold Red Horse from the rotating glass shot since the beer was just poured in a pitcher with ice tubes. I tried to stand and grabbed the towel and worked my way to the bathroom walking unsteadily as if I was tracking a zigzag direction to take a cold shower hoping that it could at least awaken my depressed tissues, hahaha. After shower, I could still feel my throbbing head but at least my vision seemed to be getting aligned. I took the shirts out from my bag, I slept in Tondo after going to the celebration since Cy's house is nearer from the celebrant's location compared to Bicutan that's why I had my back pack with my clothes and other stuff inside. I wore the undershirt then I slide through the carnation pink colored shirt which was given on Friday for the purpose of the outreach program. My cellphone beeped and I saw an unfamiliar number and after reading through the message asking "Hi deedee, san kyo? Papunta nko rcbc hntay nyo ko. -belle" it was Belle, of course it's in the message already. I replied saying that I'll be on my way in a bit. I put my my shades on because I knew the sunlight would be a bit painful to my just-adjusting-to-the-morning-light eyes which would just worsen my headache. I bid goodbye to Cy then headed down from his room to the main gate. I took a pedicab going to Pritil and paid 20php since it was always a special trip if you take a pedicab. From Pritil, I rode a jeep going to Tayuman then took LRT just to get to Gil Puyat where I took a jeep going to Guadalupe then just get off at RCBC. While in the LRT coach, I text Emie if everyone was there already and she said they were just waiting for me, hahahah, so I panicked but I couldn't do anything since I couldn't tell the driver of the train to go faster, hahaha. After I get off from the jeep at the vicinity of RCBC, I saw from afar the buses waiting at the back and as I went closer, I noticed there were three buses so I did not exert effort to text but instead called Emie to ask which one were they in. Finally, I got in the third bus which was labeled "Father's House" on the windshield. Doni handed me the log on sheet while teasing me that finally we can leave since I was the only one they've been waiting then laughed. I saw everyone's arrival time and they were so early, hahaha, but I was just on time for the departure, hehehe, it's just that I was not able to take my breakfast since I was planning to go to Mcdo and just order for take out even just a hot chocolate but unfortunately I had no time because we were about to leave. To be continued...

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