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Friday, November 19, 2010

This is how my blogging started

In my 28 years of existence, (very Venus Raj..lol) it's only recently that I got my interest in creating a blog site. Although few of my friends and colleagues have their own blog sites already that I have visited rarely, they partly added to the inclination of coming up with my own. During my vacation trip to Ilocos along with my friends namely Basha, Jes, Rjay, Drithz, and of course Cy to visit another friend namely Gelo, Drithz brought his own digicam to take precious moments of his trip and perhaps ours as well, lol, although I brought my own cam too. When we arrived to Gelo's house at early morning after he fetched us from Sta. Maria plaza, since we left Manila at around 10:00 pm the previous night, the breakfast was served on the antique table, i just described it as antique because the table was too old according to Gelo that it's been used since his mother's childhood, fried rice and newly cooked rice, dried fish, and Ilocos Longanisa were served along with cups of hot water, since I bet Gelo preferred that we mix our own coffee since he can't estimate how we want our coffee to be done. I took my camera out, same with Drithz, to take photos of our first day in Ilocos and how our first breakfast was and with that said, we posed for photo capturing before satisfying our hunger, lol. Also, we took photos of the served food. While Drithz was taking a photo of the Longanisa Ilocos, he mentioned that he was into doing blogs and he's been spending his idle time in their office blogging. I asked him what does he posts on his blogs and he answered "kahit ano" then I just realized that blogging does not really conform to any rules or topics as long as someone has expressed him/herself and tell the whole world the story he/she wanted to share. What really caught my interest was when he said that he is being paid when he does his blogs, then after being so inquisitive about that, he narrated the process on how he earns dollars on it. I was just amazed that someone can make income out of submitting his blog entries and how ads are being linked to his stories. He said that he has posted different Filipino delicacies and soon he'll do an entry for the Ilocos Longanisa and dried fish. I was in dreamy thought for a few seconds while munching the tasty longanisa and fried rice pondering about sharing stories and the first thing that I thought of was the travel adventures which was so timely that I was on a vacation in Ilocos which I foresaw to be very fun and adventurous. My interest in sharing stories hyped as I took photos of the places I have been and moments that I truly enjoyed while in Ilocos Sur. A week after the vacation, after having a sort-of free time from work since I have finished my audits, Ilocos memories flashed back and my conversation with Drithz played back about capturing the moments and sharing the stories thus, I started to draft on how I am going to start my blog site.


  1. Good Job Denz..keep on sharing stories to the world... congratulations on your first blog :-)

  2. Thanks Drithz, I will and thanks for inspiring...lol
